Time’s Running Out
Master Your Inbound Emails

Missed opportunities cost. Get instant categorization and ticket creation for every inbound email.

App screenshot
Reduce triage time to zero
Skip the manual sorting and zero in on your core organization. A single workflow setup automates issue routing, slashes triage time to zero, and frees you to accelerate what really matters.
Speak and Act Automation
Simply verbalize your email management needs, and watch as tasks get executed flawlessly. It's as if you have a personal assistant that understands you perfectly, converting your words into automated actions.
Automated Capacity Planning
Level up your team’s efficiency with customized load-balancing. Use our Automated Capacity Planning node to set individual workload percentages, ensuring fair, optimized ticket distribution.
Sentiment Analysis
Tap into customer emotions to unlock new revenue channels. Our Sentiment Analysis tool lets you comprehend client feelings, guiding you to act precisely and turn potential misses into profitable gains.
Layered Workflows
Assign a dedicated workflow for each channel and a separate one for each inbox. This allows you to establish unique rules at both stages, creating a two-tiered system for comprehensive and seamless email management.
Unlimited inboxes
Create as many dedicated spaces as needed to capture every organization context, big or small. Achieve granular focus and efficiency in email management, tailored to the unique needs and scale of each aspect of your enterprise.

Supported by

A seamless blend of industry-standard robustness and the disruptive capabilities of solutions like Clerk and Railway. Benefit from unparalleled performance, security, and scalability.

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Capture, Simplify & Enhance Inbound Email Management.

Seize back control. With automated workflows and collaboration tools, your organization is no longer reacting to your emails - but proactively manage them.


See every action, comment, and update made between replies, ensuring full transparency and collaboration on each thread.


Dive into insightful metrics that show how quickly emails are handled, how satisfied are your customers, and where the team shines or needs support.


Designed to streamline role-based access within your team. Allocate different permission levels effortlessly, ensuring each team member has the right level of access to effectively contribute to your organization goals.

Stop wasting time

Focus on what matters. Let us handle the rest.

On Email Triage
On Planning and Ticketing
On things that actually matter

Popular Use Cases

By integrating Mailspace into your operations, you can save invaluable time and resources that would otherwise be spent manually sorting through endless emails. This allows your team to focus on what they do best—delivering quality service and driving your organization forward.

Public Institutions

Public service departments face diverse email inquiries, from citizen requests to inter-departmental communications. Mailspace automatically categorizes these emails based on subject matter and urgency, allowing for quicker resolutions and increased public satisfaction. Streamline your email workflow and elevate public service with Mailspace.

Customer Service

Receiving hundreds of customer queries, complaints, or feedback via email can leverage Mailspace to automatically categorize and route these emails to the correct support agents. This ensures that each ticket is handled by someone with the appropriate expertise, leading to faster and more accurate resolutions.

Recruitment Agencies

Recruitment agencies often find themselves swamped with a plethora of emails, ranging from urgent client requests for immediate candidate placements to candidate inquiries about job statuses and upcoming interviews. The complexity and volume of these communications can be overwhelming, making it crucial to have a well-organized system to categorize, tag, and prioritize these emails.

Media and Marketing Agencies

In the fast-paced world of media and marketing, agencies have to juggle emails concerning client campaigns, content approvals, and crisis management. For client campaigns, emails can focus on either ongoing projects needing adjustments or upcoming endeavors in the planning stage.

people working on laptops

And Many More

Our platform is designed for adaptability, capable of streamlining email processes in a range of industries. With customizable workflows and AI-driven sorting, Mailspace offers a scalable solution for any organization looking to optimize their email management and enhance operational efficiency.

Venture Capital Firms

In the dynamic world of venture capital, every email could be an opportunity or an obligation. Mailspace sorts through deal inquiries, startup pitches, and compliance communications, ensuring that you focus on what truly matters. Streamline your email management with Mailspace and never miss an investment opportunity or critical update.

Travel Agencies

Navigating through a sea of booking confirmations, customer queries, and vendor communications can be overwhelming. Mailspace automatically sorts these emails, allowing you to provide timely and accurate information to your clients. Enhance your customers' travel experience while making your own journey to operational efficiency smoother with Mailspace.

Legal and Compliance

For organizations that must adhere to specific compliance measures like GDPR, Mailspace can categorize incoming emails based on compliance requirements and flag them for legal review, ensuring that no sensitive email goes unnoticed.

Dive in for Free, Dive Deep for Life.

Either you book a demo to get a glimpse of what the gold standard of email management looks like or lock in a lifetime of top-tier efficiency. Choice is yours. Act fast.


A glimpse of the future of email management.


Dive in
  • Unlimited inboxes
  • 2 channels
  • 3 members
  • 2000 workflow tokens
  • gmail integration

Early Adopter

Don't Let Excellence Pass You By: Closed beta is ending, and with it, your chance for a lifetime subscription to the gold standard in email management.

$499 / life

Dive deep
  • unlimited inboxes
  • unlimited channels (10 during beta)
  • 30 members
  • 20000 workflow tokens
  • gmail integration
  • outlook integration (coming soon)
  • analytics dashboard
  • phishing filtering (coming soon)
  • spam filtering (coming soon)
  • Chat/Email support (2h response time)
  • Access to all future features


We're flexible, let's talk about your needs.

Let's talk

    Too shy for a demo?

    We're sending a few invites each week.
    Save your spot!

    We care about your data. Read our privacy policy.

    Frequently asked questions

    If you can’t find what you’re looking for, email our support team.
    We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

      • Does MailSpace store my emails?

        No, we don't save any of your emails. They are all stored on your email service provider's servers.

      • Is MailSpace using my data for training the AI?

        No, we don't train our AI on customer's data. But if you need a custom AI model, we can train it on your data and deploy it on your account.

      • What are workflow tokens?

        Workflow tokens are our units for measuring the processing power required for each email processed by a workflow. The complexity of your workflow may require more tokens to run.

      • What does Closed Beta mean?

        For MailSpace, closed beta refers to an exclusive testing phase with selective access. Instead of being open to the general public, participation is reserved for those who either book a demo with us (and have their emails subsequently whitelisted) or purchase our lifetime plan. This targeted approach allows us to collect focused feedback, refine our offerings, and ensure our software meets the highest standards before wider release.

      • Can I upgrade from the free model to the lifetime plan during the beta?

        Certainly! If you're intrigued by our product and want to delve deeper, you can seamlessly transition to the lifetime plan, unlocking a myriad of advanced features and benefits.

      • When can we expect a full release beyond the beta?

        As soon as we're confident about the stability, performance, and user experience of MailSpace, we'll proceed to a broader launch. Rest assured, our beta participants will be the first to know about major updates, release timelines, and any exclusive offers associated with the transition.

    Closed Beta